Lawyer and partner of the firm

Joined the company in 2001

Ramón Gómez-Villares Pérez-Muñoz

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Practice Areas
  • Graduate in Law by the University of Malaga (2000).
  • Course on Accountancy (Confederations of Businessmen of Malaga) and the Law of Public Notaries (University of Malaga).
  • Higher Course on Corporate Tax Consultancy (ESIC).
  • Attendance to several courses taught by the Instituto Internacional San Telmo.
Professional experience

Ramón has been a lawyer and managing partner at the Torre del Mar office of GVA & ATENCIA since 2012. In his day-to-day, he works with financial entities, being the lawyer responsible of two leading companies of the sector. Ramón is also an expert in Spanish and foreign probate matters, having been a speaker in several conferences. He also specialises in real estate law and the law of Public Registers.

Thanks to this, Ramón can provide sound advice to national and foreign clients in terms of inheritance, real estate and civil law (acts of voluntary jurisdiction), etc. Nevertheless, a large part of his work is dedicated to providing advice and managing the Torre del Mar office.

As he himself highlights, he takes each case on with enthusiasm, agility, order, patience, reliability and, above all, swiftness, always ensuring to keep the client duly informed of all developments.

He has led several talks and presentations, such as a “Conference on succession and wills for foreigners” [‘Jornada sobre sucesión y testamentaría para extranjeros’] or ”Housing on undeveloped land. New Factors for their standardisation” [‘La vivienda en suelo no urbanizable. Nuevos factores para su regularización’], among others.

He is a fellow member of the Malaga Bar Association.