  • Graduate in Law and Business Administration by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE) in 2006 and 2007.
  • Graduate in Professional Communication by the University of Sydney in 2008.
  • She joined the Bar Association of Málaga in 2011.
  • University Expert Diploma in Urban Development Law in 2011 by the International University of Andalucía and Bar Association of Málaga.
  • Languages: Spanish and English.
Professional experience

Member of the Bar Association of Málaga and the Urban Development Law Department in GVA Gómez-Villares & Atencia, she works as a lawyer in the fields of Public Law, Urban Development Law, Environmental and Water Law.

In 2005, she worked in the Urban Development Law Department of the Gómez Acebo y Pombo law firm.

From 2008 to 2010, she was the Legal Advisor of Metro Málaga.

Partner and member of the García-Cabrera Asesores en Urbanismo, S.L. law firm and legal advisor of many town halls in Málaga.

She has given many talks in the topic of regularisation of building in undeveloped land, environmentally friendly building or problems in floodable areas.