At GVA Gómez-Villares & Atencia we offer our clients ample cover in the majority of the legal and regulatory aspects of a sector that is currently undergoing profound restructuring. Furthermore, our firm has extensive experience of claims involving financial and banking entities, and had secured significant victories advocating our clients’ objectives. Our legal practice also extends to tax, employment, administrative and other aspects.

GVA Gómez-Villares & Atencia guarantees its clients comprehensive cover in all legal aspects related to this sector.
The two-fold influence of banking law is evident. On the one hand it includes the laws that affect banking institutions, which are the subject of this activity, and on the other hand it brings together the laws that impact on the activity carried out by the bank, and on its financial products.
At GVA Gómez-Villares & Atencia we also bear in mind that there is specialised regulation depending on the type of financial entity involved in the process. Further, we are also aware of the guarantees established by the state in favour of bank customers. Thus, we implement our strategy, taking into account all the elements critical to the preparation of our client’s case.
Looking at the current economic and social situation, together with recent continuous changes to the legislation and case law in favour of consumers and users, attention is required in this type of case, accompanied by maximum research and dedication in each of them.